Friday, May 20, 2011


For the last... 2 months I have been running BAREFOOT! Yep, no shoes.

Here's everyones initial reaction: " What about glass?"

My answer is usually, well, I look out for it and try not to run on it.... I even had someone ask me about needles! What is this? 1983?

I ran on glass once and I must say, no gaping wounds. At this point the bottom of my feet are tough (the initial phase is building up my "pads"- like a dog's feet) and the glass was probably old and not very sharp. The only injury I have really sustained is blisters from running too long barefoot but this feels kind of hardcore and doesn't really hurt at all. Plus, it helps build up my "pads". Haha.

I never thought I was the kind of person to buy into some fad, especially to do with fitness. I like to run, but only when its leisurely ( I jog so slowly that everyone passes me) and not in any kind of serious manner. Then I read a book (the book) and everything changed. It all just made sense. We were born to run! And our shoes haven't helped the issue at all. I remember running as a teenager, intent on making it to the 2000 Sydney Olympics and then all of a sudden my knees started to hurt and it was over. If only I had known!

In any case I absolutely love it. A part of my loving is due to the fact that you have to start slowly. The transition from heel-strike running to forefoot running takes time and training. It uses muscles that your body is not used to and especially getting the baby soft soles of your feet used to running barefoot takes time. I love that; I run every other day and stop when it gets painful. I run holding my minimal shoes in my hands so that I can put them on as soon as my feet hurt too much.

So far people in the park near my house look at me like I am absolutely CRAZY. I didn't have any direct comments for a while, just hushed whispers, pointing, a mother stating to her child "we don't go barefoot in the park do we?" or a lady returning from church exclaiming to her daughter "she gonna cut herself up". I usually smile and ignore it. If anyone had direct questions I would be happy to answer them but usually people just think I'm weird or stupid (oops, forgot to put my shoes on... oh well!)

Last week I got my first comment. A teamster for a film shoot said this when I ran by:
"Strong woman! And brave!"

I just smiled again. I liked that one.

Today I got a really good one. I can't use the word because it is highly racist but its the first time as a white girl I have been called that. I'll substitute it for a different name:

Stranger: "Honey, why are you running barefoot??"
Me: "Its good for me."
Stranger: (looking really concerned) "Be careful okay?!"

Then I just smiled as well. As my nerdy guru likes to say smiling helps release endorphins and makes running more enjoyable but people already think I'm crazy enough without smiling like a maniac and running barefoot.

If you're curious check out the information out there and see if its for you.

My favorite things about it (apart from the weird looks) are:
Running as silently as possible
Feeling light and strong
Running faster and further than I usually could

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lately I've been wondering what it is in the human condition (maybe its female specific, I'm not sure) that makes us poo poo the good stuff. Being grateful has its place, but when things are good its only a matter of time before some worm of doubt or unhappiness works its way into the deal, clouds up a sunny sky. Why is this? I know others have experienced the same feelings. Is it because we live in a society that makes us constantly seek more in order to be happy. Is it because being happy is sold as some unattainable thing that we can only get if we have a combination of money, good looks and luck?

There's something to be said for simplicity. There's such pleasure in the simple things. Being grateful starts simply with acknowledgment.
Today I am grateful for:
A good nights sleep
Almost fresh berries
Rain downpours

Thursday, April 28, 2011

New York

Sometimes I read things about living in New York and nod and smile at how similar people's experiences here are. And then I remember that I still live here, and I already treat my memories of this place as memories, as things that happened and now I've moved on. I guess its because my time here has segued through so many mini adventures. Living in New Jersey in the house of gay seems, feels and is YEARS ago now. I was younger, so much more naive, so confused and lonely. And even at the beginning of this year I went through all those same emotions when I came back to NY after Chrissie in Aus...  To me living in New York means reminding myself that I live in New York. Constantly reminding myself that this is that big city that everyone dreams about living in.
Usually my response is, so what?
Closely followed by what the hell am I still doing here?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What else to do when you are stuck inside all day in front of a computer in a store where no one wants to shop?

It may be the horrible rainy weather, or it may be the huge trucks outside the shop since they are filming Law and Order SVU outside today, but so far no customers have come in and I am going a little stir crazy. Counting down the hours and there's still 3 to go!!

I like reading back on this blog like some kind of horrendously public diary. The fact that my memory is really bad means all the old stories read like new to me.

The current story goes like this:
Always in some sort of transition phase (I've noted before- I bore easily) the changing of seasons prompts another transition. Apart from meeting the love of my life (do I always say that? In any case, this time its for reals) I need to move out of my apartment that I haven't really lived in for the last 2 months or so. But that means finding a temporary roommate and also dealing with current roommates and the drama that that involves. It also means moving in to a gorgeous place which actually has a spare room. Finally!

Le sigh. I am excited about:
Mum and Dad visiting in June
Kelsie visiting in August and then our 2 week tour of turkey
Then 2 weeks in Paris with my love
Spending the summer of my life (hopefully the last in nyc...) with the most amazing man ever.

Le sigh.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Listening to the new Girl Talk in an Australian coffee shop near my house. We have been banned from the apartment for today thanks to our new friends: Bed Bugs. Yes... The dreaded bed bugs. That going-to-bed saying will never have the same meaning to me now. I have been bitten! And it sucks. One good/bad/gross thing is that I am horribly allergic so at least I know the second that I am bitten. It seems dirty… but these days you can get them from everywhere. Seriously. One might have jumped on to me from a strangerdanger on the train. Who knows. Our landlord was pretty understanding about the whole thing, while being seriously freaked out. I washed every single item I own. I came to some conclusions: firstly I have far too many clothes. I never thought that I would say that considering I moved here with one bag of clothes and shoes. Those multiplied. Many times. Also I had to resist the urge to purge. Don’t get me wrong, I did purge, but putting all my clothes into plastic bags I was tempted to just throw them ALL away. And be left with the clothes on my back. My purging was mostly a result of shrinking half my wardrobe. I had to wash and dry everything on high heat so some of my clothes came out tiny. I’m not sad, like I said, too much stuff. What is it about being human that makes us hoard stuff.? Just stuff. Kind of useful and kind of useless schtuff.

I’m going to see a movie to use the time, even though it is a glorious day out. I’m not sure why but this place feels intrinsically Aussie to me. Like being home. Maybe it’s the smell of real coffee. Speaking of home I can’t wait!! Not long now at all.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

One year older... This year I get to say my favorite number each time someone asks my age. It feels good. This year is going to be good, I can tell.

Had more Aussie visitors in October. It was so nice, its the best way to fall back in love with NY and do things I never do on my own like catch a train upstate to the dia museum in Beacon.

We went to see:

Marnie Stern
Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan

I really miss them already. Good friends are what make life worth living.

Yesterday I went for a run around Prospect Park. I accidentally ran into what I thought was an entrance but which was really just a little loop with some trees. I set my pace, got into the rhythm of jogging and looked down at the pavement and saw graffiti'd "Run faster Casey". It was so surreal. I stopped and looked around, I was so confused. There was no one there, I was alone with my very own personal message. In any case I kept up my slow and steady pace but that really made my day.

Today my day was made by seeing Kate Winslet at the farmer's market. She was looking at the meat stand with a small boy in hand. I was unlocking my bike. She looked completely normal and inconspicuous.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hi beans

Today is officially still hot. Which we all kind of know is the last of it, so better take advantage of it. I rode my bike to the farmers market and bought some spinach to help me feel better about being a vegetarian. I still find it funny when people ask me if I eat fish when I say vegetarian. Um, no. That's a pescatarian is my pretentious reply. Its one of those things that people feel perfectly fine questioning your choices . Unlike religion and voting preferences, diet is up for debate in any kind of social setting.

I finally made it to the Jersey Shore last weekend. Fitting, since I had just dressed a real housewife of New Jersey last Wednesday for a runway show. I think she liked me because I had no idea who she was (I've never seen any of those shows). She did whack me in the head with her elbow while getting changed so maybe she wasn't so happy about her anonymity to me. Jersey Shore was really pretty, and surprisingly empty. Something to do with school going back. I didn't get a chance to explore the boardwalk which I want to next time. Boardwalks, I was informed by locals. are a quintessential New Jersey experience. The cross between side show, county fair, mall and beach is fascinating to me. We spent all night doing those fold over drawings and drinking sweet tea vodka. I'll miss you summer!

Karaoke tonight... I'm getting ready for yet another rendition of Unbreak My Heart. (say you'll love me agaiiin)

Teaching my second sewing class tomorrow. Its a nice bunch of ladies (no men. I thought I had one guy but it was a Danielle not Daniel and she (almost he) never showed up) who seem to pick things up quickly.  The other class had some doozies who couldn't seem to grasp the fact that you have to put the foot down on the sewing machine before you sew. I am smug that my group is smarter and faster.
I didn't know how understandable I'd be but I think talking incessantly for hours suits me. Going back to part time work so I might try to get some more teaching gigs.

Did you hear about the tornado that touched down in Queens and Brooklyn? There's still broken trees everywhere. I missed it while staying at work late.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer just keeps on comin! I am pretty excited about this fact. For some reason as soon as we had some rainy, coldish days I fell into a funk and thought "that's it, summer's over just like that and I hardly got to savor it". Apparently a hurricane is headed our way this week so even though I am mildly uncomfortable as I sweat in my little hot-box room, I will not complain. I will remember that in the mornings I wake up, put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and walk out the door. No coats, no boots, no scarves wrapped around my face. Aahhhhh bliss.

In other news I caved and bought a cheap cheap bed frame online.  Hopefully this will give me a: somewhere to put my mattress, b: more money to spend on things like somewhere to put my huge PILE of clothes and c: somewhere for me to shove things under and forget about.

This weekend Ikea really let me down. Our plan for leaving unscathed did not work when we found out all the items we (well I) wanted were "out of stock". The frustration was only exacerbated when we caught the bus going the wrong direction home (or not home) and finally decided to take a car only to find out that there were none on that particular street where we stood huffing and getting hungrier by the second. I know Ikea has its moments, but this experience was a doozy.

Yesterday I saw a grown man wearing stockings under his pants and thongs (flip flops). What the?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the end of summer. sigh.
brooklyn clouds
my new room complete with air mattress. its like a jumping castle.
the aftermath of kath's birthday party.

Monday, August 9, 2010

long lost

Bloggy! It may just be you and I at this point old friend.

And yet, I am determined to keep plugging away.

Currently in the process of moving. Bit of a sad face but change is good. I will miss my garden but I am excited to try to fit my life into a shoe box sized room, explore a new neighborhood, walk to Prospect Park and wash my clothes in my very own washer/dryer! Luxury.

Have been going to see lots of live music lately which is a good way to get out in the lovely summer sun and sometimes have a bit of a boogie.

