Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hi beans

Today is officially still hot. Which we all kind of know is the last of it, so better take advantage of it. I rode my bike to the farmers market and bought some spinach to help me feel better about being a vegetarian. I still find it funny when people ask me if I eat fish when I say vegetarian. Um, no. That's a pescatarian is my pretentious reply. Its one of those things that people feel perfectly fine questioning your choices . Unlike religion and voting preferences, diet is up for debate in any kind of social setting.

I finally made it to the Jersey Shore last weekend. Fitting, since I had just dressed a real housewife of New Jersey last Wednesday for a runway show. I think she liked me because I had no idea who she was (I've never seen any of those shows). She did whack me in the head with her elbow while getting changed so maybe she wasn't so happy about her anonymity to me. Jersey Shore was really pretty, and surprisingly empty. Something to do with school going back. I didn't get a chance to explore the boardwalk which I want to next time. Boardwalks, I was informed by locals. are a quintessential New Jersey experience. The cross between side show, county fair, mall and beach is fascinating to me. We spent all night doing those fold over drawings and drinking sweet tea vodka. I'll miss you summer!

Karaoke tonight... I'm getting ready for yet another rendition of Unbreak My Heart. (say you'll love me agaiiin)

Teaching my second sewing class tomorrow. Its a nice bunch of ladies (no men. I thought I had one guy but it was a Danielle not Daniel and she (almost he) never showed up) who seem to pick things up quickly.  The other class had some doozies who couldn't seem to grasp the fact that you have to put the foot down on the sewing machine before you sew. I am smug that my group is smarter and faster.
I didn't know how understandable I'd be but I think talking incessantly for hours suits me. Going back to part time work so I might try to get some more teaching gigs.

Did you hear about the tornado that touched down in Queens and Brooklyn? There's still broken trees everywhere. I missed it while staying at work late.


  1. the board walk isnt as great as it sounds, its a noisey crouded place that has too many people on top of one another for a spot on the beach. the best thing for you to do is drive out to montauk and stay out of the hamptons (full of rich snobby dushebags)or just go to a boardwalk free piece of the jersey coastline that still has dunes.

