Friday, May 20, 2011


For the last... 2 months I have been running BAREFOOT! Yep, no shoes.

Here's everyones initial reaction: " What about glass?"

My answer is usually, well, I look out for it and try not to run on it.... I even had someone ask me about needles! What is this? 1983?

I ran on glass once and I must say, no gaping wounds. At this point the bottom of my feet are tough (the initial phase is building up my "pads"- like a dog's feet) and the glass was probably old and not very sharp. The only injury I have really sustained is blisters from running too long barefoot but this feels kind of hardcore and doesn't really hurt at all. Plus, it helps build up my "pads". Haha.

I never thought I was the kind of person to buy into some fad, especially to do with fitness. I like to run, but only when its leisurely ( I jog so slowly that everyone passes me) and not in any kind of serious manner. Then I read a book (the book) and everything changed. It all just made sense. We were born to run! And our shoes haven't helped the issue at all. I remember running as a teenager, intent on making it to the 2000 Sydney Olympics and then all of a sudden my knees started to hurt and it was over. If only I had known!

In any case I absolutely love it. A part of my loving is due to the fact that you have to start slowly. The transition from heel-strike running to forefoot running takes time and training. It uses muscles that your body is not used to and especially getting the baby soft soles of your feet used to running barefoot takes time. I love that; I run every other day and stop when it gets painful. I run holding my minimal shoes in my hands so that I can put them on as soon as my feet hurt too much.

So far people in the park near my house look at me like I am absolutely CRAZY. I didn't have any direct comments for a while, just hushed whispers, pointing, a mother stating to her child "we don't go barefoot in the park do we?" or a lady returning from church exclaiming to her daughter "she gonna cut herself up". I usually smile and ignore it. If anyone had direct questions I would be happy to answer them but usually people just think I'm weird or stupid (oops, forgot to put my shoes on... oh well!)

Last week I got my first comment. A teamster for a film shoot said this when I ran by:
"Strong woman! And brave!"

I just smiled again. I liked that one.

Today I got a really good one. I can't use the word because it is highly racist but its the first time as a white girl I have been called that. I'll substitute it for a different name:

Stranger: "Honey, why are you running barefoot??"
Me: "Its good for me."
Stranger: (looking really concerned) "Be careful okay?!"

Then I just smiled as well. As my nerdy guru likes to say smiling helps release endorphins and makes running more enjoyable but people already think I'm crazy enough without smiling like a maniac and running barefoot.

If you're curious check out the information out there and see if its for you.

My favorite things about it (apart from the weird looks) are:
Running as silently as possible
Feeling light and strong
Running faster and further than I usually could

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