Saturday, November 20, 2010


Listening to the new Girl Talk in an Australian coffee shop near my house. We have been banned from the apartment for today thanks to our new friends: Bed Bugs. Yes... The dreaded bed bugs. That going-to-bed saying will never have the same meaning to me now. I have been bitten! And it sucks. One good/bad/gross thing is that I am horribly allergic so at least I know the second that I am bitten. It seems dirty… but these days you can get them from everywhere. Seriously. One might have jumped on to me from a strangerdanger on the train. Who knows. Our landlord was pretty understanding about the whole thing, while being seriously freaked out. I washed every single item I own. I came to some conclusions: firstly I have far too many clothes. I never thought that I would say that considering I moved here with one bag of clothes and shoes. Those multiplied. Many times. Also I had to resist the urge to purge. Don’t get me wrong, I did purge, but putting all my clothes into plastic bags I was tempted to just throw them ALL away. And be left with the clothes on my back. My purging was mostly a result of shrinking half my wardrobe. I had to wash and dry everything on high heat so some of my clothes came out tiny. I’m not sad, like I said, too much stuff. What is it about being human that makes us hoard stuff.? Just stuff. Kind of useful and kind of useless schtuff.

I’m going to see a movie to use the time, even though it is a glorious day out. I’m not sure why but this place feels intrinsically Aussie to me. Like being home. Maybe it’s the smell of real coffee. Speaking of home I can’t wait!! Not long now at all.

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