Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer just keeps on comin! I am pretty excited about this fact. For some reason as soon as we had some rainy, coldish days I fell into a funk and thought "that's it, summer's over just like that and I hardly got to savor it". Apparently a hurricane is headed our way this week so even though I am mildly uncomfortable as I sweat in my little hot-box room, I will not complain. I will remember that in the mornings I wake up, put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and walk out the door. No coats, no boots, no scarves wrapped around my face. Aahhhhh bliss.

In other news I caved and bought a cheap cheap bed frame online.  Hopefully this will give me a: somewhere to put my mattress, b: more money to spend on things like somewhere to put my huge PILE of clothes and c: somewhere for me to shove things under and forget about.

This weekend Ikea really let me down. Our plan for leaving unscathed did not work when we found out all the items we (well I) wanted were "out of stock". The frustration was only exacerbated when we caught the bus going the wrong direction home (or not home) and finally decided to take a car only to find out that there were none on that particular street where we stood huffing and getting hungrier by the second. I know Ikea has its moments, but this experience was a doozy.

Yesterday I saw a grown man wearing stockings under his pants and thongs (flip flops). What the?

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