Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lately I've been wondering what it is in the human condition (maybe its female specific, I'm not sure) that makes us poo poo the good stuff. Being grateful has its place, but when things are good its only a matter of time before some worm of doubt or unhappiness works its way into the deal, clouds up a sunny sky. Why is this? I know others have experienced the same feelings. Is it because we live in a society that makes us constantly seek more in order to be happy. Is it because being happy is sold as some unattainable thing that we can only get if we have a combination of money, good looks and luck?

There's something to be said for simplicity. There's such pleasure in the simple things. Being grateful starts simply with acknowledgment.
Today I am grateful for:
A good nights sleep
Almost fresh berries
Rain downpours

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