Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What else to do when you are stuck inside all day in front of a computer in a store where no one wants to shop?

It may be the horrible rainy weather, or it may be the huge trucks outside the shop since they are filming Law and Order SVU outside today, but so far no customers have come in and I am going a little stir crazy. Counting down the hours and there's still 3 to go!!

I like reading back on this blog like some kind of horrendously public diary. The fact that my memory is really bad means all the old stories read like new to me.

The current story goes like this:
Always in some sort of transition phase (I've noted before- I bore easily) the changing of seasons prompts another transition. Apart from meeting the love of my life (do I always say that? In any case, this time its for reals) I need to move out of my apartment that I haven't really lived in for the last 2 months or so. But that means finding a temporary roommate and also dealing with current roommates and the drama that that involves. It also means moving in to a gorgeous place which actually has a spare room. Finally!

Le sigh. I am excited about:
Mum and Dad visiting in June
Kelsie visiting in August and then our 2 week tour of turkey
Then 2 weeks in Paris with my love
Spending the summer of my life (hopefully the last in nyc...) with the most amazing man ever.

Le sigh.

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