Saturday, February 20, 2010


Woh ho ho little old blog. A combination of being uninspired and reading too many other people's blogs has made me loathe to post. But when I was home the fam told me that they were probably the only ones reading it anyway so I decided to update and tell you whats been going on here... How are you guys?

Well... I'm doing some laundry-- sheets and rugs.

It is a balmy 7C today which is a nice change. Its sad that it actually feels warm compared to what we've been getting lately.

Last night I went out to celebrate my friend's birthday. He is from Sydney and we usually have a good rant about New York and how much we love to hate it and sometimes the other way round. We ended up at a bar called 'Otto's Shrunken Head' which was full of rockabilly-esque types. There were lots of quaffs, lots of tattoos, red lipstick, black or bleached blond hair and sculpted beards. Its for real though, they only play good ol 60's rock and roll which a whole bunch of people were dancing to. I met lots of people who worked at Time magazine which was pretty cool. I've been throwing around my idea to make wedding dresses and everyone seems to think its a good idea.

I miss you guys...

Here's a photo of our backyard when we got a foot and a half of snow. This was the night it started snowing, it was more by morning.

Here's me wearing the coat Dad gave me and the huge scarf Marcus gave me and my new red gumboots. This is how many body-hiding layers it takes to keep me warm...

And here's my best friends.

Still haven't got a new camera but I will soon.


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