Saturday, August 23, 2008

you aint artsier than me

what about a monthly update to this sad little bloggy??

since things seem to flow along with much happenings but little of note, i am rarely inspired to put in the effort required to make a witty blog entry.

things of note are much easier notated in dot point form:

-my sisters came to visit!
- my dad came to visit and stayed at the y and met marcus and bought us lots of good dinners!
-then my sisters came to visit! they stayed here at hotel diamond and i was (and still am) horrified that i had to constantly work as we were (and apparently still are) in the "crazy busy time". they shopped a lot which, due to massive lack of funds i would not have been able to partake in anyway.
- we went to the beach with dad (who came back to see us all and got the worst case of bed bugs in the history of huge welt bites. poor dad. the y may be cheap, but for a reason)
-we went to the botanic gardens
- we went to coney island again and rode the cyclone
-we put another air mattress in my room so my room became a whole mass of air with no room to walk
-we helped marcus move to brooklyn and then he started a 20 day film shoot (shooting his first feature! woo! go kid!) which only just ended a few days ago...
-my sisters left me and i was (and still am) very sad and lonesome for their company. we had SUCH FUN. so fun. i only wish i could have had more time to show them the sights.
-i'm moving out of hotel diamond at the end of the month--cant afford the rent, going back to aus for a month etc. seems like a good plan. plus i get to live with marcus which will be tres fun.
-then i will quit my job!!
-it has been so crazy lately at work, workin overtime and rushing everything. ah well. at least its still warm and saturdays can be spent sleeping in and making big breakfasts and sitting in the park chatting and drinking beers and going to a short shorts party..

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