Wednesday, October 15, 2008


today i finally quit my job. it took me about a million times of repeating it to myself in my head over two days. when the words finally came out of my mouth they sounded so odd and squeaky. my boss was shocked.. then mean.. then over it. 

it was all an anti climax and a long time coming.

meanwhile i am working on dan's (my roomate) film on the weekends. last weekend we drove to his house outside of philly and had hardly any sleep and filmed lots.

sunday involved a park full of fire trucks, police cars, harley-davidson gangs, a marching band and eventually terrence howard!!! 
it was a beautiful sunny day and we were filming the "launch of the time machine" and terrence howard strolls in dressed immaculately in a grey suit and purple shirt. he wants to be in the film. i almost hyperventilate with excitement. since i am doing make-up i seize my opportunity to marry him and ask if he 'wants some powder'. he responds 'do i look shiny?' and i am unsure how to respond?? i mean, yes, he was shiny, but how do you tell terrence howard he's shiny?! instead i replied 'i just like powdering people' (?) and he says ' i think i'm fine' and i say 'i think you're fine too' and follow up with a rattish giggle.

so. celebrity wardrober here i come.

eventually it became normal that an oscar winner was in our midst.

i am going back again tomorrow night for more filmage but less stars i'm sure.

we also filmed in an AMAZING mansion which was all perfectly preserved in all its jane austen elegance. i got to dress people in the red walled ballroom where the dogs had just done their business in front of the fireplace. i also found a library which is my favourite room of all time with books covering all the walls (even over the door) and a huge fireplace and comfy old couches and a WINDOW seat with a super pride and prejudice view of the gardens. OH, to be rich and live there.

its getting colder. but the days that are semi warm still attract all the summer attire, like people cant quite give up all the summer thangs they used to wear. 

tonight i had a cleaning frenzy which mostly involved putting things into piles that look neat.

i never wrote about champaign!! i went to middle america!! the midwest even! first i got to see chicago which i've always wanted to see. it was typically super windy and i developed a cold. then i got to meet marcus' mum! she is so sweet. she drove us about 3 hours to champagne and marcus' dad had cooked a yummy mexican dinner. we spent the weekend hanging out with old people and catching up with old friends. it was just nice to be in a big family home again. champaign was definitely not as loserish as i had imagined. and bizarely enough i met a guy from brisbane and a girl from melbourne who were studying at the uni there! weird!

anyways tonight is the final election debate ( i registered to vote!) and i'm off to eat japanese

1 comment:

  1. what??? Terrence Howard for reals??? That is sooo cool. You saw him when you moved there months ago hey? Woot, live it up-
    "I think you look FINE too."


    love you

