Thursday, January 3, 2008

minus 8

-8 people. that was the "high" temperature today!!!! (which means tonight and last night its some ungodly -50 or something. j j j jdddd dd d d. thats the shiver noise)

it was the kind of cold i've always heard about but never experienced, where you walk out of the door and your breath gets taken away at the first cold punch. i had to run some errands today (torture) and it was amusing. people on the street looked shocked and horrified, like they couldnt quite believe that humans can survive at sub zero temperatures. that or their faces were frozen and they couldnt tell if they were blinking their lips or breathing through their eyes. its an instant reaction- your nose goes red and starts to run and your lips get dry and the warmest place feels like the inside of your mouth which you have to breath through in short quick pregnant like puffs just to remind your body that you are still alive.

it also makes people smile knowingly in elevators as we pile on silly looking amounts of clothing and wrap scarves around our faces so that only our eyes are showing. i had chats like "tomorrow will be warmer" and "get ready for it" or just knowing nods from behind the layers.

any part of exposed skin feels like it turns solid and goes numb, i swear my hands turned blue yesterday. the wind is the extra killer, that and the fact that it insisted on being sunny, which feels like a lame attempt to console people. it was the weakest coldest sun i've ever stood under and i think it should be ashamed.

other than that, a new guy moved in to the house of gay. hes a airline host(ess) for continental and now "america's next top model" is constantly on the tv. which is fine by me as i love that show. once i leave and boy casey moves upstairs and johnny moves into my room there will be a grand total of 8 lovely ladies living in this house. not counting the copious amounts of visitors! woo! party time.

i'm still waiting patiently for my brooklyn move. when.... who knows.

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