Sunday, January 13, 2008


bubs and i went to church in harlem this morning. we sat with lots of other curious foreigners and clapped to the toe-tapping gospel choir. i got goosebumps. the pastor was so perfect... as he spoke he got louder and louder, emphasising words like "and the lord came DOWN. he CAME down. yes he did. and the LORD came down. praise his holy name" and meanwhile the congregation is clapping sporadically, nodding their heads, holding a hand up to the heavens or repeating "praise the lord" or the emphasised words like "down, yes he did". it was SO COOL.

the past week was busy. the best part was hanging with bubs, and the photo shoot for my work. we finally got all the samples done in a mad rush and wednesday was the photo shoot. i had to stay at the studio by myself and sew but i think they felt sorry for me so i headed down to the showroom in soho in a deceptively old looking building. up on the top floor, with the afternoon sunlight pouring in was a huge white room with high ceilings and wood floors. there was a backdrop and a model striking poses and the photographer lying on the floor with his purple t shirt and side swiped hairdo yelling things like "thats great, a little more, perfect, got it". there was funky beats playing and donuts and coffee. there was a make-up guy in skinny jeans and it was so out of a movie i had a little moment to myself where i laughed and thought, how did i get here. it was also a cool/stressful feeling looking at the outfit and thinking, i sewed that!

the weekend is over again, and the unseasonably warm weather is gone (who knows if global warming will strike again and bring it back)
yesterday i went for a jog with sassy and she seemed to love it. she has never run with anyone so she was a bit freaked out at first- i think she thought i was chasing her. but we ran for ages in some dodgy areas where people looked at me like i was crazy.

hopefully the brooklyn move will happen this next weekend! i have a bit of a sore throat and early morning church didnt help my sleeping needs. so now, movie and bed. goodnight

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