Sunday, January 20, 2008

hotel diamond

home sweet home!

it was a killer killer week. i feel lucky to have survived.
i got sick, and only got one day off work before i had to struggle back in and blow germs everywhere. each afternoon i am now blessed with a kind of sinus migraine. ahhh. anyway suddenly the move was all systems go on friday night so i made a hasty exit, packed all my random hoarding of things into plastic bags, drove the van across manhattan and dumped my loot in my new boudoir in brooklyn. hotel diamond is divine, i'm living in the lounge room until a certain cretin removes himself at the end of the month.

its super cold. last night i went to see blond redhead at studio 5 with leah. they were very good but we talked so much they seemed to be over quick... we love chatting so much we went to get another drink/chat til the wee hours. it felt weird coming back here, my new place, but i think its going to be grand. julie lent me her old lapotop so i am contactable. now all i need is skype so the fam can call.

i feel a bit like i just moved anew. like i've come out of some cushy cacoon in jersey into the real world. last night i smiled at everyone on the street.

bubs and i had dinner to say farewell and it was super classe franch, and super yum. i miss bubs, we had so much fun traipsing the streets commenting on the places we'd die to live in and eating magnolia cupcakes or any kind of cake in general.

i think i will miss sassy and carl from jersey most, but now i am sentimental about all of them and how nice they were to me. i will visit lots, like visiting my parents in jersey haha

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