Monday, October 22, 2007

guess what?

horror of horrors. when i went to drop off the car the guy said the "rocker panel" was dented and proceeded to charge me/us!! it was such a nightmare i could hardly believe it was happening. i argued and argued as i'm pretty sure we never hit anything and then i cried a bit and he just didnt care. i guess if we get it back from insurance it will be ok but i just felt so RIPPED OFF. all i could do was refuse to look or speak to them as i was so shocked/upset.

thennnn i tried to sew the stupid jacket all day and it was horrible. firstly i goofed at the machine and juan now thinks i cant sew but i forgot about which way the needle goes on an industrial machine. goofball! i was embarassed... anyway its too boring to discuss

so friday was a b-a-d day. to make myself feel better i headed in to the aussie meet up again but no one was there! i was determined not to leave so i wandered and couldnt see anyone familiar. finally i went up to a solitary girl and yes, her husband is australian and she had been there early and also found no one.

we decided to ditch the joint and headed to the lower east side as she, jamie, was very keen on karaoke. i was horrified/surprised when we entered a bar where you sing AT THE BAR. i told her i couldnt sing very well... she proceeded to chose "all that jazz" from chicago?!!! she was really good and i grunted the chorus but didnt know the rest. it was bizarro. we had yummy fried plantanes and sangria and tried another karaoke place as we were driven out by the horrid out-of-tune drunk girls singing bon jovi. then jamie's husband adam came and he is super aussie and very nice.

we couldnt stop talking and discussing our experiences. we went and had divine sushi and talked more. they lived in aus for 3 years and are now trying to make it here... they were very pleasant and i hope i see them again...

saturday: i wanted to see "spoon" but i foolishly didnt book tickets and assumed there would be some at the door... hahaha no. i invited my friend max and was sorely dissapointed but we walked and explored more and talked MORE. i was pretty talked out already but that never stops me. we had mexican and went to cute little bars. hes young... and i think he thought it was a date... i felt bad and didnt know how to clarify without sounding rude... oh well.. hehe

sooooooooooooo the weekend was weird/wasted as i went in to town every day to find supplies and failed.

this week will be better! wens gets back tomorrow and then lori comes and then my birthday and then halloween! WOOT

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