Sunday, October 28, 2007


today i turned 25

yesterday juan made me a nice big mexican dinner and they got me a orange and black polka dot cake with my name on it. even germain gave me flowers and a little cream (wedding-looking) cake. so spoilt. my cousine gave me a bottle of australian wine. we listened to the party tv station and it was a bit odd but cute.

i wanted to go to the etsy halloween party and we finally decided to just go (after i recieved phone calls from julie telling me i must come) it was already late and we didnt end up getting to the party til almost 1am. it was almost over and everyone was wasted- pleasant but disturbing at the same time. julie gave me a little bottle of hennessy!! yaaaay

we all went up to the roof to see the view and everyone sang me happy birthday and then almost crushed me in a group hug. it was funny and bizarre. everyone was already over it so wens and i took the long journey home. we are tired. we got up to have breaky with everyone and napped.

its so so so cold today. we went and had chocolate pizza at max brenner and went to a movie.

all in all a lovely birthday. i really miss everyone though and i wish it was getting warmer here..

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