Monday, October 15, 2007


we've been living it up. on saturday we went downtown to the arty district and it was freeeezing cold and i wondered why peeps live here. but its pretty. we ate an amazing lunch at a pub and shopped for crafty goods like buttons so we can cover buttons and paper so i could hold a bookmaking class. we went to see a girly movie and talked about it all the way home. it was the jane austen book club which was good since i just finished persuasion. but i'm sure there were many more refrences that i missed.

later i ran book making 101 but i kinda forgot the specifics. hopefully mere will be able to perfect it.

yesterday we woke up late and went to this place recommended by one of mere's friends. it was PACKED. people were ordering and then waiting in a huge mob with their coffees and then we had to take numbers and they seat you and then you get this massive serving. it was SO good. i had santa fe eggs which were like eggs benedict with an amazing twist. the others had french toast with real fruit and amazing nut butter. yummm.

then we went to see stoph setting up for a big exhibition at his school and we gave him helpful encouragement on his huge copper/glass sculputres. they're really cool. we were still full from brunch but we went to the mall and i bought a huge warm jacket from H&M and wanted to buy more but had to leave. i almost had a shopping frenzy but i quelled it and satisfied it with bubble tea which was too sweet.

last night we had a semi dinner party with super delicious ribs and salad and japanese wine that wendy gave as a gift. mere and stophs friend came and made us laugh. later we found out the dog he was talking about in the present is actually dead. it was so sad/bizarre. we had donughts that we picked up from crispy cream where they give you a free one right off the production rack which you can watch which is kinda disturbing.

today was rainy and mere had to do work away from work so we watched vids and made quesadillas.

lovely! i think i'm losing my hair?

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