Thursday, September 13, 2007


NEVER leave your bag unattended. we all know that.
and yet..
last night i failed the test. i got my purse stolen in new york city. NEVER lost my wallet before (except that time i left it at the hotel in texas and had to drive back...but that was found)

i went to the police station today to file a report and understandably they had little pity and told me honestly that in a few days the case would probably be closed.

so i went out to west third and 6th avenue to meet franger at the town tavern (curse its name) and got introduced to beer pong (pay $7 to get in then 25c for jugs of horrible beer and try to throw ping pong balls into cups in a seemingly skillful game that actually involves no talent except the advantage of sobriety) i met a cute little girl who has also just moved here and i foolishly put my bag next to her and asked her to mind it not realising she was almost too drunk to see and all she could see was the guy drooling over her.

i only realised later (poor innocent trusting small town girl)that it was gone gone gone. all the unreasonably drunk people tried unsucsessfuly to help and i cried and borrowed money to catch a train home. i had to buy a $10 metro pass which meant i had no more money for my second train but i just hopped on and knew my tears would help me out of any more trouble.

then i had to ring the vibrating doorbell to wake juan but he was fast asleep. i resorted to ringing the normal doorbell and juans timid parents didnt want to open the door so woke him up. i cried some more and called kell.

since then i've been taking steps to get back on track. actually, i could have lost way more. and most of the things are useless to the filthy robber anyway- try recharging that australian cell phone! ha! try using that aussie drivers licence!

oh, my poor beautiful ipod. sorry wens. i loved it so.

i always just use pockets when i got out... why not then???!! ah the horrors of hindsight

its almost too much to continue

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