Sunday, September 9, 2007


wes asked if i'd like to live here semi-permanently. phew. such a load off my mind
funny things today:
-i saw a presumably uni student (outside nyu) on her laptop and her phone rang with the sex in the city theme and everyone around chortled. including me.
-i couldnt find a toilet and since mic and i always relied on book stores i walked and walked to where i was sure i'd seen a barnes and noble and they had no toilet. the first thing i saw was a book called "toilets of the world". i almost bought it.
-i finally found a toilet in starbucks and someone had left a fake million dollar bill over the hand rail... it had me going for a while..
- i gave someone directions to seventh a LOCAL! loco local
- i noticed the snatched bits of conversations i hear when people walk by on their 'cell phones' always sounds like some really juicy bit of gossip.. like "oh my god" or "i knOW!" or "and then he said" or "its not like i'm some total psycho"- that one i heard in starbucks.

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