Saturday, September 29, 2007

hennesy party

last night was so much fun

yesterday i went to the city in search of sheepskin. oh yeah, sorry my job (kit) its not very amazing. i get paid by the hour so i have to keep tabs on how much i do. i had to take the old lining out of a leather jacket and i have to line it with sheepskin and replace the buttons and put a zip in it. it shouldnt be too hard if i have a hardcore sewing machine with which to sew leather? i will have to proposition juan. the hardest thing has been finding sheepskin. i cant find it anywhere and i dont know this city well enought to know where to begin..

anyway i wandered the fur district for a while but i couldnt stop reading my book (persuasion- so good!) so i kept stopping for food and coffee and eventually just caught a train to brooklyn and read in a park to my hearts content.

it was the etsy texas trunk show at the etsy labs- some crafties from texas came up to show their wares. i got a great party bag with lots of free goodies in it. i also bought some yummy deodorant and an etsy t-shirt.

me and julie and some etsy-ers were drinking wine and eating chips when one guy, rob, decided it would be fun to go for a bike ride but everyone had a bike except me. he then made it his mission to find a pump to rescue a dead bike that i could use. it was very thoughtful of him but i had no idea it was all for my bike-benifit. anyway we headed off across the reasonably quiet streets of brooklyn. it was a gorgeous night- a little cold and windy but nice. i love riding bikes, i havent done it in ages.

we made our way down to this really industrial area and in the distance we saw fireworks. rob led us to this huge open nursury on the corner of a pier, right on the water. it was so beautiful to suddenly be surrounded by heaps of plants. we climbed down to the waves and he had a bottle of whisky hidden there and we ate chips and watched the fireworks over new jersey. we watched the lines of planes waiting to land in the airports... and when julie and i were left alone sipping whisky we found out that we had both made out with warwick in a wine frenzy in canberra. hahaha. we giggled lots about it. i also found out that rob actually started etsy and i had no idea and i still cant quite comprehend how he thought of it. he seems so young/media savvy.

then we headed back on our bikes (we were going to climb an unfinished water tower to see "the best view of new york" but the cops went past... bum). we tried to find hennesy- a liqour that i had heard lots about at my neighbourhood meeting. oh yeah, i went to my block meeting the other night. i was the only whitey and it felt good to clap along with the others when we talked about cleaning up the streets of young riff raff.

everyone i asked had no idea exactly what hennesy was. at a tre-classe liquor store we found out its a kind of congnac (julie always associates it with blingy kind of gangster, yacht parties). it was too daggy an alcohol for this store but now i want to have a hennesy party.

we went back to rob's amazing loft apartment and drank australian wine, listened to classical music, sat in a polite little circle and shared stories. finally i was convinced that it was too far to get back to jersey so i crashed on julies couch in her gorgeous little house in greenpoint...

its such a nice part of brooklyn. lots of polish people and fire escapes and fruit stores. i came home and slept and now continue to search for the illusive sheepskin.

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