Monday, May 10, 2010

Greenish Thumb

So my first attempt at sprouting seeds was a failure. I didn't get them in to the ground fast enough and the poor little things died. I was disheartened, but tried again. This time I put in my raised garden bed so its ready to go once the seeds are ready (they almost are!). Seriously, this backyard is one of the nicest things I could imagine. I've spent the whole day with the door open, the perfect breeze blowing in. I read my book in the sun for a while. Bliss.

Now it's depressingly cold so I am glad that my little seeds are still safe inside.

I overheard some funny New York things today:

1: Super New Yorker guy (think large, maybe Italian heritage, oversized clothes, strong accent) I heard him telling a similarly dresses companion (do the accent when you read this) "so yeah, I bought my Mom a cheesecake cuz I know its her favorite and I gave her some flowers too". Unexpected and charming for mother's day.

2: In the lobby of a building a professional, blond quaffed man was on the phone. When I went into the elevator I heard him hang up and start singing "She's part of my life, just a part I won't let goooo". It was sung really loud, with gusto. I happened to recognize the song since I had had a Chicago flash back yesterday where I sang all the songs really loud while making breakfast (guilty pleasure). No one seems to mind people singing out loud in New York.


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