Monday, December 21, 2009

Snow? Who needs it!

I am home!!!

The first day I arrived back was a wonderful 35 C and I was in a sleep deprived delirium which didn't stop me from getting my licence immediately (worst photo ever!) and feasting on fruits and other summery things. Its good to be home. We booked a slew of appointments which are not so fun but I can live with doctors and dentists as long as I get to go home for a swim after.

Each day we wake up whenever the lag lets us, usually pretty early which is a nice way to start the day. We eat big, yummy breakfasts (except the day with the "fish eggs" -literally the fish ate some old salmons and their eggs taste like fish! EW!) and then go wherever the mood takes us.

Yesterday I went Christmas shopping with my Mumsie and then had lunch at the Botanic Gardens. We saw a brown snake! Second deadliest snake I blurted out while watching it slowly slither through the sun. We had to call the park rangers who attempted but failed to catch it. Very exciting especially for the swedish tourists who got way too close before we warned them of the deadly nature of the snake.

It was hot which meant nowhere else to go but the pool!

Ahhh bliss.

Meanwhile I got this great photo from Marcus of our backyard in Brooklyn...

I don't think I've ever seen this much snow in New York so I am a little jealous. I love the little mushroom chairs! Also the lump on the table (which looks like a yummy cake) is my pot of herbs which will all be dead now :( oops.

As everyone is saying, can't believe its so close to Christmas but at least I already got all my shopping done in NY.

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