Sunday, October 11, 2009


Annie looks a little bit less happy than I am at the prospect of a computer photo. I have discovered that she will only be ok with laptop photos because the sight of a camera makes her anxious and bark-y. Maybe she had some bad experience with a camera in the past but I'm not sure what it could be...? Maybe the flash, or some career-ruining shots of a night out that was best forgotten posted on facebook? Who knows...

Today we are looking after her again which mainly involves us doing what we would usually do, but with a small dog in tow. Brunch (she was afraid of the big dogs at the table next to us but soon the light/shadows on the ground proved too fascinating to pass up), then drinks at a new bar that is always empty, and now we know dog friendly, now reading (blogging) and wine (she's chilling and sometimes chewing on the rubber chicken).

We are waiting to hear if our house guest Jake got the gig as Alicia Keys new guitarist!?! Can't wait to find out...

with Monday looming, I am trying to stay positive...

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