Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday night ramblings

Things I've been thinking about lately:

- fashion being a dead end, selfish way to spend money and get anxious. Maybe I should be dedicating my time to doing something to "save" the world?
- My friend mentioned a difference between Australia and America (as a matter of fact all of our conversations are usually on this subject alone) and we know there's a lot. But when it comes to eating "candy"(lollies) he said something about growing out of it. When you get to a certain age where you realize that candy is bad for you and you should stop eating it because you're an adult and frankly its kind of embarrassing in Australia to even sport a candy bar as an adult. Not so here.
- He also mentioned the fact that classic American food is peasant food. So funny... Ribs? The worst part of the cow, no meat! Chicken wings? Mmmmm a tiny bit of outcast chicken meat slathered in sauce. It was really very funny to realize and have a good ol chortle. Ahh, fat Americans.

-I need to call Mumsie so bye for now.

p.s. our Indian summer was so bitter sweet yesterday. I knew it would not last and today is back to cold, topped with an icy drizzle that freezes on your eyelashes. sigh.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you write! Lovely blog!

