Friday, May 1, 2009


Last weekend was S U M M E R. It was hot, it was so hot I couldn't sleep, so hot I could hardly sit on the roof to try and tan. I got a bit of a tan on Saturday before I went to my friend MM's house (pictured above- the backyard that is, not Shrq)) where we sat outside in the HUGE backyard. I'm talking a mile of grass. I haven't seen that much grass in a backyard since home. I felt like running, or cartwheeling, if only I could. We planned a slip n slide party as well as a huge vegetable garden that we will all take care of. Margaritas and burritos meant the need for an afternoon nap and then out again! With no jacket, no jumper! Woo! I went to my friend's birthday drinks with Shrq and we had a noice night of adventures around the hat.

Sunday went much the same, only hotter! Truly around 35C! Too hot to even tan (because there is so much pollution here I feel less exposed to that harmful suns rays. Silly, I know!)
Went to a party at MM's. I loved the reaction people had when they saw the backyard. I mean, they all assumed a BBQ in a backyard would be fun but then at the sight of SO MUCH GRASS everyone was just stunned. It took us a while to lounge about in it. Ahhhh. My favorite time of year.

On a sadder note, my bird friend (pet) on the fire escape has gone. We were really becoming closer (after she got over the fact that I poked her to make sure she was alive one night) and I would look out for her two tiny little eggs when she went to get food, or go to the bathroom, or whatever else she was doing. But yesterday I discovered she was gone for good. One of her eggs was missing and today they're BOTH GONE. I'm so sad. I feel bad for her (we named her Bo-Jangles) and for her unborn babies and my lost friend.

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