Friday, April 24, 2009

Basie playing on the record player

Marcus took this lovely photo-- film student anyone? :) Its the sunset from our window..

Summer will truly be here this weekend with 29/30 degrees (celsius that is) and I'm not quite sure what to do... I mean it will go from being cold to suddenly being HOT and I feel unprepared to wear shorts and T-shirts already?! Anyway, I won't complain. I am so excited.

Tomorrow is Marcus and my one year anniversary! Already huh... He is going to Chicago in the afternoon for work so we are having a date tonight and maybe some brunch tomorrow. I also plan on using this weekend to go to the farmers market to buy some flowers and herbs for my pot that has been sitting on the fire escape for ages, waiting.

Last weekend we spent a lot of time on the roof, drinking beers and listening to music. I got a good feeling about how fun the summer is going to be. Bike riding, mojitos, beach, roof. Ahhhhhhhh

Yesterday I made a simple skirt at work, a pleated skirt out of black jersey and I'm gonna wear it today. It was so quick I might go in to work again today to throw together some more quickly to sell or something. I have also been having some internet induced wardrobe frenzies where I suddenly decide I need platform strappy shoes and many many more clothes. So I might have a bit of retail therapy today to quench the frenz.

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