Thursday, May 15, 2008

my good/bad day

two new york moments today

the first was GOOD:

my metro card didnt seem to work and i swiped it countless times until a small bizarrely dressed lad came behind me and also tried to no avail. we spent a while swiping at intervals. then for some reason i used his metro card which finally worked and waited for him until mine finally worked for him. i dont know why we swapped cards. i said we should just both go in the turnstile like me and wens did to save money but he wisely said "thats illegal" and felt foolhardy. we then discussed the best method of swiping for future reference (its luck, not a wrist flick) and went our separate ways. we made eye contact on the train later and smiled.

the second one was BAD:

while i was walking to the bank i saw a crowd of people and a puddle of blood running into the gutter and then i walked past and saw and old lady lying down and i dont know why she was bleeding. it was SO disturbing/sad. then everyone in that part of the city looked so shifty and seedy and dirty. i was glad to come home to clean greenpoint.

last night i went to an aussie thing about successful aussies who work here. i was inspired/jealous.

then i saw ironman which wasnt very good.

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