Tuesday, April 1, 2008

what to do when you have no money part 2

#1: take time off work to help on an unpaid film shoot.

#2: ruin a black pair of jeans by placing them in a washing machine that has BLEACH in it.

#3: whilst searching for new black jeans instead buy an expensive victoria's secret push up bra!

on friday i drove in a mini van with loads of strangers to some unknown location about an hour and a half upstate..... we got to this creepy campsite called camp kinder ring that was huge and on the edge of this beautiful lake. it was deserted for the winter and it reminded me so much of dirty dancing. for some reason our shooting schedule involved shooting til 4 or 6 in the morning and then sleeping all day... it was freeeeeezing cold and we invented ways of staying warm- sitting on the useless little heaters or in the van with the engine running...

i helped nick with art direction ie moving lots of furniture and then covering the place with "trinkets!" we did a good job even if it went unnoticed. all the lads were lots younger than me and i had to remind myself of uni days and try not to be too bitter/crabby/old/complaining. i failed and complained a lot.

luckily i didnt have to sleep in the class camp -like mattress filled freezing "home base" room. instead i crashed at a hotel with the actors and jen the assistant camerawoman. it was so bizarre waking late and working all through the night. the fun bits were: getting to crazy hour with nick and using stupid accents; dressing the girls in 80's attire and teasing their hair and applying "sunset" eyeshadow (they were such bimbos though... i felt like an uncouth lout around them); making everyone listen to 'the salmon dance' and dancing; playing the transformers soundtrack every time we drove the van or needed a boost; driving the pass van fast; eating wheat and not getting sick


unfortunately the bad points were copious also.... there was no running water, we had to use a porta-loo, the director was a horrible spoilt unorganised brat, the shooting schedule was non existent, there was a lot of over acting, bad acting and chauvinism. also a lot of bad aussie jokes. mainly ' a dingo ate my baby'. sad

there was a crazy old guy called skippy D who was meant to be the cabin owner in the film and he showed up in his massive truck with heaps of guns and an amazing cowboy/outback outfit and lots of skulls. he was such a character- he had all these wack stories of all the famous people hes met and says hes worked on basically every film ever made. i liked the story where he said he threw cashews at bono...

on the last night (around 6am) i had to make him spit blood with fake blood. it was the last shot of the movie and so surreal and gross. the movie was so lame. i thought it was tongue in cheek but it turns out the silly director joey actually thinks it will be cool. lamo! oh well, at least the girls look super hot. when we were finally finished we had to empty the whole room that we'd filled to bursting in order to make it look like a cabin. it was originally this horrible room filled with bunk beds and nick did a killer job transforming it to look super legit. it was a pain and a half to cart all that stuff out and put all the bunk beds back in... at what? 7 in the morning? TIRED. deliriously so.

we drove back to new york in the morning traffic and got lost in jersey. i couldnt keep my eyes open if i tried. i had to take another day off work just to sleep which felt like such a waste... in hindsight it was fun.. well at least an experience to remember.

i never even wrote about my amazing night out with nicky. wine, aussies, the panics, randomness and a full leg wax.

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