Tuesday, April 29, 2008

blog envy

i've been reading other people's blogs lately and felt a bit uninspired as to my own. i feel like its a bit of a self indulgent rant. and really, does anyone care?

in any case! my life has become hectic!
lets update in dot point
- i got promoted. last week leah finally told my boss that she has another job. i am so so sad that she is leaving me but i know she will be much happier in a new job. the next day my boss asked me if i wanted the job. it was unexpected and i had a really hard time deciding. i mean, i cant feign ignorance here, i know exactly what shes like to work for... and in closer quarters where i'm practically her personal slave/mind reader....

but i took the job because of a: more money (a tiny bit more... i am so broke right now), b: i felt like i had no alternative and c: i can still look for more work/film jobs and get paid a little more in the meantime... you may now call me design assistant. but not really as i cant design. maybe just assistant. but thats too short and boring. personal assistant? probably.

- i worked on the joey and david internet series again over the weekend and it was fun. i had some nightmare costume traumas that involved tuxedos, prisoners uniforms and prom dresses but it all came together in the end. i was very flattered that david said i should keep working in film as he thought i was a natural. naturally crazy. i get cabin fever really quickly and start laughing too much and eating too many snacks.

we got some crazy/gross dresses from joey's mum who owns a prom dress shop in the midwest. they were hideous but so perfect for the red carpet scene.

its always a bit of a downer going back to work after a shoot. plus now i am being trained whilst sewing which is awkward and i cant concentrate on what leah tells me so i know i will stuff it all up later on.

- wendy gets here on the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so excited/incredulous i can hardly speak

- hame visited!! and i hardly saw him. we discussed my lack of commitment to our friendship but i really dont know why i dont make time for him. i mean, i love him! and he came all the way to new york! but i always seemed to be busy or working. anyway we had some good funs. he even stayed over one night after we trekked through brooklyn to find a bar called 'daddies'.

- tonight was our third time at the crazy gym workout. still no matching workout wear but we definitely are sweating a tad less. it was so full on tonight, i can already feel my abs freaking out. its great though, finally i feel like i am actually using this bulk of a weaky body.

- its julies birthday on friday and we're having a pot luck. we have been cooking up some good dinners lately. last night was ruby grapefruit and smoked salmon salad. tonight was pineapple shrimp fried rice. last night we drank wine and then danced to abba and then i made cocktails from raspberries and vodka and champagne and my friend marcus came over in the midst of our crazy dance frenzy where we were all wearing random things on our heads.

- the weather has been SO nice. up until this week. its been warm and sunny and people have been out in hordes. but now its cold and rainy again. i hope it warms up for wens.


-ps thanks for reading

1 comment:

  1. i love your blog! it's truly one of the most entertaining ones i've ever read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    p.s. your food stories are making me so hungry

    p.p.s thank you for your comment in my self-pity post..it made me feel better!

