Sunday, March 16, 2008


yesterday was our first faux spring day. it started with me arising at the lewd hour of 7am on a saturday all for the sake of a crush related favour to scout a location for an 80's horror student film. the combination of early rising, nerves, the slowest and most packed L train in existence and nausea resulted in me being a: late and b: driving in the car for approx. 10 minutes having warned the random strangers that i'd been "vomiting" and finally telling them that i couldnt go on and would have to be let out and forgo the upstate adventure. i was mortified/delirious with shame.
i was excited about developing my crush and exploring the creepy cabin setting for the movie that i imaged would be very twin peaks reminiscent. alas, as usual lately my garbage guts got in the way. i crawled home and cried for a bit before deciding that all things would be well and heading to pilates followed by soccer in the park.

the warmth of the day did wonders for my mood and apparently for the entire population of new york who headed into the streets equipped with inappropriate t-shirts and sunnies. i cant play soccer and i warned them about my loud noise making that i cant control (weird squeaks when i miss the ball, a few ooogs and some cussing). apart from my noise it was a total cardio workout.

my guts still felt a tad sensitive but i met nick (returned from the upstate spree) in the park near his house and we tried to talk business but got distracted by the lure of guitar hero and went back to his noice little apartment that i am totes jealous of (location, fire escape, guitar hero!) and i tried my novice hand at guitar hero. i made two high scores!!! also lots of inappropriate noises again whenever i missed a note but it was fun. we were both late for our 6:30 dates so we rushed across the city through insanely packed streets.

kelley and i spent a ridiculous amount on healthy goods from the packed wholefoods. then we made a yummy dinner and watched 'dirty pretty things'. julie is on her romantic getaway this weekend but has misplaced the twin peaks dvd that we needed to watch in order to be caught up on all the action. bugger.

i am awaiting the arrival of nicky... maybe an open mic bar tonight... plus a gallery now with kelley. today my gut feels fine thanks to no stress and expensive pills. hurrah.

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