Sunday, December 16, 2007

new years revolutions

so i'm moving to brooklyn! greenpoint more specifically.

it was a nervous conversation but of course these guys were totally understanding and nice about the whole thing. i feel bad, but at the same time i know i will always regret it if i dont just go for it. i am so excited about:
living with like minded girls (they are all knitting at the moment)
doing yoga and pilates at the ymca down the street
eating yummy polish food from the nonnas in the area
walking to restaurants
walking to markets
walking the streets feeling safer in general
getting home at a reasonable hour on late nights
not being woken up by loud footsteps from above

on the other hand i will really miss:
sassy. shes such a good dog. i love her
movies on demand (which has been my whole semi sick weekend so far)
the guys and their rude jokes

its almost christmas!!!!!!!!!!!! i can hardly believe it.

today we are going to see a movie, i am ledgend, and then another week begins. only one more til i head to cali

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