Tuesday, December 11, 2007

juan just brought me icecream

the rockettes were great. i felt like i was experiencing a part of new york history. the scary thing was they were all excactly the same height and shape. i loved the tin soldier dance where they shuffled around like tin soldiers and slowly fell down in a long line. there was also a bizarre nativity scene which involved real camels, sheep and donkeys.

last friday i went to dinner with my friend jamie and we had yummy italian in a very hard to find little alley. we work two blocks away from each other. then we went to meet another aussie friend julie coz she had free tickets to a boat/ cruise around the statue of liberty. i was confused. i didnt understand quite what the intention of the boat night was. but once we boarded i understood: overpriced drinks, bad music and a mish mash of lonely looking middle aged people. julie lives at a hostel so she had a little entourage of foreigners: south african lover (i wowed him with my immaculate accent later that night. he was surprisingly unimpressed), a new zealander and a snobby british couple. after we squealed at the statue of liberty "i'm in new york!!" i hit the dance floor and got lost in some kind of fog/blackout/dance frenzy. i know it involved some awesome moves on my part. it also involved getting tribal, yes, in front of real live black folks. they gave me some huge props, whilst laughing at me, and i continued, oblivious, to work my way round the middle aged, overweight men.

later we went to a bar uptown near the hostel and i was severely inebriated. i havent let myself go that much in a long time and it is a shameful experience, during, and even more so afterwards. the end result was a saturday of pain. i walked to the train to get home and it took me about 4 hours. i had to keep getting off the train in a panic of nausea that never resulted in vomit. thank god. i had to keep getting off as i had horrid visions of me embarrassing myself like a homeless person all over the clean saturday people, and children.

luckily it is always a nice reminder of how i will never do that again. i am not sure if i succeeded in permanently scaring off my new found friend, but i will call her soon to make sure.

work has been hella busy. i seem to have hit some groove where things dont bother me and i'm not trying to impress my boss anymore. its pretty fun. mostly i have been gossiping with leah, the assistant, as she was paranoid that our boss hated her. we had long heated discussions over coffee and on the train. i have been cutting samples for fall/winter '08 and my fingers are blistered from the scissors.

last night i had dinner at julies in brooklyn and met her aussie friend and we discussed canberra and artschool in boring reminiscent detail. julie and i ate udon and schemed my move-in. i hope it happens! the g train decided to stop on my way home and it ended up taking me almost 2 and a half hours to get home. i am so tired my eyes are crossing. another big plus for moving to brooklyn!

today i swear i saw jack bristo on the train. and the other day i am pretty sure i saw vin deasel. it never ceases to amaze me how many celebrities catch the subway. ha.

i am trying to get into the christmas spirit. everywhere i look peoples houses are decorated beyond recognition. i think more snow would help. once in a while it really feels exciting, but then someone bashes into me in the crowd frenzy crossing the street and i shove ahead again keeping my eyes down. its a crazy place. last night a weirdo talked to me on the train, very calmly and not scarily explaining his passion for nude beaches. john, quite harmless and creepy.

1 comment:


    i've been writing heaps in my LJ but it's on secret lock mode, join up so you can read my newz!
    miss you, come online!

