Friday, December 28, 2007


just a quick update as i must get to my cold-ing pad kee mow.

the "holiday season" was brief and a little hectic. i spent a fortune on a nasty cab to the airport at 4am where i find out i have been put on standby as the over sold the flight.... WHA? why and how can they do this?? i even picked my seat when i was booking my totally legal ticket (the frazzled lady at the desk lets me know this is only as a "guide" pfff). the next flight was at a convenient 7:30pm. i waited in stressful agony (luckily i was first on the list) as a family had a huge freak out and started screaming and security was called in. amidst the chaos i slipped on to the plane. hahaha. phew.

in sunny phoenix my cousin taps me on the shoulder asking for change. what a cool coincidence. on the short flight i met a lovely golf grass looker-after called jason. he had a charming philosophy on life and the carefree antics of a proud bachelor/girlfriend on the weekends.

california was warmer than i've been in a long time (no huge coat and gloves needed!) it was great to see the fam again. the three days consisted of a lot of booze, playing "santa" for my cousins kid (this involved me eating the carrot and cookies and drinking the milk while unwrapping all the presents so they can be displayed and ready to use on christmas morning? weird tradition). i talked to the fam all day on christmas eve and felt like i was almost there. i even went on speaker phone and got placed in the middle of the table while they opened my presents and ooohed accordingly. it was slightly bizarre/funny.

christmas day in the house of degatano consists of more booze, a slow tedious process of opening presents one by one, a big blank of no food until dinner and more wine. i then had to endure the horror flight back (again getting up at 4am. poor uncie ed) and straight back to work yesterday. woo. what a week.

luckily tonight consists of pad kee mow, rice pudding (that i have yet to make) and a good movie. yesssssss

what a rant!
ps i have gained a baffling amount of weight and plan on exercising in the new year. wish me luck.

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