Tuesday, October 2, 2007

i forgot

the rest of my huge weekend...

when i was recovering on sunday, taking a leisurly shower sometime round midday juan knocked on the door and my aunty and uncle were here!!!!

i knew i was maybe meeting them for dinner but they couldnt get in contact with me so they put my address in their gps and turned up at my door! it was such a spin out... my first visitors!!!

i tried to take them to a classy lunch in hoboken (which i hate, but it works for them). it was a TOTAL nightmare!! apparently we chose the one day when there was a festival on and the main street was blocked off and we spent an HOUR trying to find a park with aunty d complaining and freaking out at uncle ed's driving and me trying to give directions when i had no idea where we were. horrible. finally we decided to just go nearer my house...

THEN we were just at some bar (we needed wine with lunch) but they only served brunch which felt like another failure. i so wanted to impress them but they were just hungry. anyway it ended up being ok. then we went to find them a hotel and decided to catch the train in to the festival. i forgot... my aunty can hardly walk and we walked and walked and of course it was PACKED and noisy and everyone in hoboken seems to be tanned and 30. it was well past coctail hour (PANIC) and aunty d was so sore... i almost cried from shame. we ended up going to a place right by the station that we had passed hours ago.

we got too cold outside. we thought we HAD to eat in order to drink but we were too full from late lunch.

luckily the wine set in and we moved inside and ate sushi and it all ended up superbly well. as one finishing glitch we got on the wrong train but by this stage we just laughed. aunty d got a little teary when i waved them off the train. it was so nice... family.

also paula called me yesterday from jamaica!! she sounds so happy... it was so nice to catch up and know we will remain friends and she really misses me...

i want to go visit and tribal dance on the beach!!

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