Tuesday, April 15, 2008

just stuff

its late and i should be asleep


hamish is here! i went out with him and his cousin franger last friday- soo good to see his gorgeous tanned face. we had fun in the lower east side and then went downtown to a "country club" which was seedy and almost empty. i dont quite know why we were there as the trashy ladies behind the bar decided to get up on the bar and gyrate awkwardly around. apparently if i got up there too i would get a free shot- i was tempted but too grossed out by the assortment of loser/pirates. hame and i had a bit of a drunken cry about his step dad passing away.

on saturday it was another BEAUTIFUL day. we played soccer in the park and then i went and met keiran for a beer in williamsburg. i wanted to walk all day with my sunnies and my ipod. then julie and i had a super yummy dinner OUTSIDE at a gorgeous place near our house. we totally were on a date, we even went record shopping.

on sunday kell and i visited jules at a flea market. the cold weather had returned and it was a pretty pov market so we left to get ready for twin peaks night and fish curry.

this week has been grand as my boss is away! late mornings, long breaks! this is what work should be like! i went out with my friends nick and marcus on sunday and was a bit worse for wear yesterday. but i slept in and found out we actually can get up the mysterious ladder in our apartment to the roof! kelley and i ran around up there after work.

tonight me, kell and julie donned our best gym attire (meagre really, next time i hope for matching diamonte'd workout suits with sweat bands) and went to a crazy step class with lots of loud music and sweat. i loved the look of death kell gave me after about 15 minutes of this nightmare when we were all beefy red and sweating buckets. it got better, or else i got delirious from pain. i was too busy concentrating on being unco to realise i was working out. i hurt already, which is not looking good for tomorrow.

hence a further need to sleep


1 comment:

  1. omg hamlarious!
    you went to step! thats so good. you and your housemates should watch Perfect with john travolta for outfit/gyrating inspiration!
    love you!

