Saturday, December 1, 2007


the celebrity wardrober dream doesnt seem to have eventuated- i rang the guy for an interview and he seemed to have no idea who i was... hm. all for the best i'm sure. work has been busy/stressful/fun.
i havent been sewing as much... my boss was away with thanksgiving family-ness at the beginning of the week and it was very enjoyable! when she returned she seemed to fall into some bratty frenzy where she assumed nothing had been done while she was gone and anything that had been done was done wrong. when i think of my experience of small business bosses, i'd hate to run my own.

yesterday i went to the stall we're doing at the colombus circle markets and painted it aqua. it was cold but i was quick. i forgot to wear painting clothes and instead wore my tokyo dress and heels. i borrowed a huge matching track suit from aimee, complete with running shoes and a cap that didnt fit but i had to wear to protect my eyes from paint spray. i wore it on the subway back to work, just to see how it felt. it was comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time.

today i had to run errands like crazy. what i thought would take me 1 hour ended up taking 3.. it all started with the wrong address and involved: fights with little chinese women, fights over prices of twill tape, fights with cranky fast walking ladies in the street who shove by while sarcastically huffing "excuse ME". my phone also decided to die, which gave me an excuse to get a coffee, where i also had a fight about the size to strength ratio of my coffee with the cranky indian.

today the city smelled, people seemed to be out in force and i was cold sweating while freezing. tomorrow i move to a real room downstairs where i will assemble my newly purchased bookshelf from ikea and maybe make some stuff to put on the walls.

lately i have been getting mad at the amount of noise my fellow roomies exude when they awake at 5am. rude, i say. and i try to groan noisily to get my point across but it seems they are producing to much noise too hear me.


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