Sunday, October 7, 2007


we got up late after watching ALL of season six sex in the city. we couldnt stop, even to eat.

then we had a nice relaxed chatty breakfast before wens cut ALL MY HAIR OFF! i was over the pony-tail and we were inspired by a gorgeous girl we'd seen at the cute mexican restaurant we had lunch at yesterday...

its GREAT! well, i like it. much better than the unkempt boof i was sporting.

then... we headed out to brooklyn, williamsburg (where only trendy cats hang) and had a lovely light late lunch in a grapevine covered garden. we continued our talks on anything and everything. then we got a bit lost but finally found the shop 'built by wendy' that ez reccomended. they were having a huge sale (which is a nice idea even if the prices were huge to start with...)

i searched in vain. the stuff was amazingly cute but i only liked the full price new stock and so rationaly talked myself out of a purchase. again. wens got a great little t-shirt.

it was worth the trip just to luxuriate in the vibe of hipster brooklyn fashion hub.

we had a HUGE dinner. everyone contributed which meant it involved beans, baked beans, corn, our contribution was lumpy mash, salad and pork chops. and wine. and the tiny puppy samson again which we all ooohed over like a baby (which he is... awwww). oh i mean, he wasnt part of the meal... just the entertainment. then we had amazing huge birthday like chocolate vanilla cake for no reason but the sheer pleasure of eating cake.


then wes talked for ages about his days in the white house. funny house of random mix of all types of gay guys. my house, not the white house... tomorrow is columbus day and i want to see the parade. wens and i are also contemplating driving to toronto. like i havent driven enough! but i want to see the "fall" colours up north....


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