Sunday, September 23, 2007


this is the view from the front verandah to the train stop. super close. pity i keep missing the train home. also the grassy area is convenient for sassy (the gorgeous dog. my best friend) to do her ladies business and flirt with the german shepard from down the street.

this is my room! it looks a bit haphazard and messy but yesterday i got me some hangers and finally put my clothes in the closet. no more living out of that huge bag! phew. it was so stressful rumaging around that thing for the perfect component to an outfit and just giving up and wearing some lame substitute. scarring.

this is the front of my house!

me on the light rail on the way home past the businessy district of jersey city

this didnt turn out too well but its the view from our back verandah when they had the two memorial lights on in manhattan where the twin towers stood.

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